Software and Systems How-To's, Tutorials, Demos, Notes

Blue-Green Deployment in OpenShift

In this post, we will show how to setup Blue-Green deployment quick for demo purposes. oc new-project bg oc new-app -l app=blue --name=blue COLOR=blue PORT=8080 oc new-app -l app=green --name=green COLOR=green PORT=8080 oc expose svc green [root... Read more

How to Install OpenShift Origin in one node for Development Purposes

Assumptions: CentOS operating System running as a VM in virtual box. Download CentOS from here: Create a Host-Only Network in VirtualBox Navigate to VirtualBox->Preferences A dialog box will appear Add a host-only network and set it... Read more

How to Expose the Admin and Query Console

Assumptions You have installed the MarkLogic CI/CD as found in these instructions MarkLogic server is up and running. You are using ml-dev namespace Your external ip address is and is bound to interface ensp08 3: enp0s8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qle... Read more

How to build slush-marklogic-node Source-2-Image Docker Image

Clone the s2i repo git clone Build the image cd s2i-slush-ml docker build --rm=true -t slush-marklogic-node . Check the image has been created [root@openshiftdev s2i-slush-ml]# docker images|grep slush slush-marklogic-node latest f017d723d97f 18 seco... Read more

How to build MarkLogic docker image

Pre-requisites Let $PWD be the present working directory. Create a directory tmp in $PWD. Download MarkLogic rpm from Once downloaded, move the file to $PWD/tmp directory and rename it as MarkLogic9.rpm Building the image Download the Dockerfile fro... Read more