Software and Systems How-To's, Tutorials, Demos, Notes

How to run a docker image in OpenShift

Login into OpenShift Important: Please substitute for “userX” the user id assigned to you oc login -u userX Create a new project oc new-project tomcatX Run the app oc new-app bcorpusjr/tomcat Allow the public to access your application oc expose svc tomcat Next Exercise: Adding a Database Using Templates Read more

OpenShift Workshop

Contents How to run a docker image in OpenShift You’ll learn how to run a Docker image inside OpenShift to take advantage of Self-Healing, High Availability, and Auto-scaling. Adding a Database Using Templates Will introduce you to the concept of templates. In particular, you will be adding a database using a template. This database will be... Read more

How to run a docker image in OpenShift

Login into OpenShift oc login -u openshift-devel Create a new project oc new-project myproject Run the app oc new-app bcorpusjr/tomcat Read more

Using CICD Pipeline Part 2

Objectives: Setup Gogs git service. Trigger Jenkins build using a Gogs Git Hook. Automatically tag the ImageStream using the git tag supplied by the developer upon pushing to Git. Assumptions You have setup the CI/CD from this link Setup Gogs Create a new project called gogs oc new-project gogs ... Read more

How to Install OpenShift Origin in one node in AWS for Development Purposes

Assumptions: You have an AWS account You launched an instance using CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM. You have allocated an elastic IP, which we call <elastic-ip> moving forward You have associated <elastic-ip> to your running instance. You need to be root to install. ... Read more