Software and Systems How-To's, Tutorials, Demos, Notes

Configure the CI/CD pipeline

Setup the UAT environment Create a project for UAT. Important! Use the correct value of userX oc new-project userX-uat Give the “jenkins” service account the ability to invoke deployments in the UAT environment Important! Use the correct value of userX oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:userX-dev:jenkins -n userX-uat Gi... Read more

Using Jenkins Pipeline

Register to Gogs First we need to register to Gogs as a developer. For uniformity, we use the following convention: Important: Use the correct value of userX username: userX email: password: userX Create a new Repository Click the + sign of My Repositories. Set the following details: Repository Name = todoAPIjs Vis... Read more

Using ConfigMaps

For containers to be portable across environments, we can put configuration paramaters in environment variables. However, most of the applications read their configurations from configuration files. For example, in the Java platform, we call these config files as properties files. In this section, we will learn how to externalize configuration ... Read more

Running your own Git Service

Run the Go Git Service image using the command below oc new-app wkulhanek/gogs:11.4 Attach storage to gogs and mount to /data We are going to replace the “non-persistent” volume mounted on /data and change it to a persistent volume. Go to Applications->Deployments->gogs->Configuration. Scroll down to volumes and delete the volume mo... Read more

Adding a Database Using Templates

Browse the catalog and look for PostgreSQL database Now delete the project tomcatX, where X is your user number. oc delete project tomcatX Create a new project called userX-dev: oc new-project userX-dev While inside the project userX-dev, browse the catalog and search for postgresql. Set the following required input fields to ‘gogs’ ... Read more