Software and Systems How-To's, Tutorials, Demos, Notes

Installing Keycloak on OKD 3.11

Assumptions You have OKD 3.11 up and running Single master setup Generate certificates for Keycloak to enable https CA_CN="Local Keycloak Signer" OPENSSL_CNF=/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096 # Generate the root ca openssl req -x509 \ -new -nodes \ -key ca.key \ -sha256 \ -days 1024 \ -out ca.crt \ -s... Read more

How to Demo Serverless using Knative

Assumptions You have OKD 3.11 up and running Clone the repo for this demo: This demo is based on the knativetutorial: Enable Admission Webhooks Execute the following command: sed -i -e... Read more

How to Install OpenShift 4.x on Bare Metal

Assumptions The steps to install OpenShift 4.1.0 can be found here. This documents some things I needed to do in order to install it on a cluster of Intel NUCS connected to my Mac Book Pro for internet access. Internet access to the cluster is provided by Internet Sharing of Mac OS. Cluster IP subnet is and the gateway is ... Read more

Computing the value of PI using Ansible

I recently conducted a customized ansible training to some awesome engineers. As part of our fun with Ansible, we created an ansible script to compute the value of . We did this by using the following formula: The idea is to subdivide the interval into rectangles. The width of this rectangle multiplied by its height given by will give the ... Read more

Using Istio Service Mesh, Prometheus and Grafana, and Kiali for Microservices on OpenShift

In this post, we are going to take a look at how to use Istio, Prometheus and Grafana on OpenShift to manage and monitor your microservices. We assume we have the following: An openshift 3.11 cluster (an all-in-one VM is fine) A cluster-admin account Ansible installed (version 2.6.15 and higher) Siege installed Read more