Software and Systems How-To's, Tutorials, Demos, Notes

Using External Jenkins


Install the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin

Create the Jenkins Service Account

oc project todo-dev

Get the token of Jenkins

Image pull secrets: jenkins-dockercfg-97wdd

Mountable secrets: jenkins-token-wcccq jenkins-dockercfg-97wdd

Tokens: jenkins-token-vx9gj jenkins-token-wcccq


- Copy one of the tokens, say 'jenkins-token-vx9gj' and execute command

oc describe secret jenkins-token-vx9gj

This will give you the token value. Take note of it.

## Copy the certificate to the Jenkins Server
- In the OpenShift server

cat /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/ca.crt ``` Copy the contents.

Create a Jenkins Pipeline
